Friday, 24 September 2010

The Game - Task Session 3

What do you think it should be called?

How do we play it?

Clear and concise, please!


  1. "TAKE IT!"

    This game is for 2 players.
    1. Put 10 coins on the table.
    2. Divide them into 4 rows - 1 coin on first row, 2 coins on second row, 3 coins on third row, and four coins on fourth row - so the coins are likely to be a triangle.
    2. Each player can only take coin(s) from one row in one take by turns.
    3. The winner is the player who can leave over the last coin for his/her enemy.

    Tips to win: Remain 3 coins on three different rows, you will win!

  2. Alright, before I begin...(Looks up to the first comment...Ladies first) Talk about a "fast worker">> 04:58 O_O!! Class ended at 04:00.(This blog could use some "spices") Please excuse my inappropriate thought , Sir, just a humble opinion...not that it matters.



    Requirements: > A minimum of 2 players
    > 10 coins
    > A reasonable place to play
    1) Put down 10 coins on a flat surface
    of choice
    2) Divide the coins into 4 rows. 1 coin on
    the first row,2 coins on the second
    row, 3 coins on the third row, and the
    rest on the fourth row. These coins
    should now form a triangular figure.
    3) Each player is only allowed to take
    coin(s) from one row in every turn.
    4) The winner is the player that leaves
    the last coin for the other player.

    > Expect the unexpected
    > Have fun, enjoy, and sometimes let your friend win


    We can play this game only with a partner. Just two players.
    How to play this game? Follow this instructions:
    1. arrange ten coin on the table
    2. we have to make it four rows
    first row only one coin
    second row take two coins
    third row consist of three coins
    and four coins in the fourth row
    3. each player can take coin(s) from the rows in
    their turn
    4. the player who take the last coin is the

    TIPS to WIN: Make your enemy follow your
    strategy and you only have 3 coins
    in different rows, you will win it.


    this is two person game.

    1.prepare 10 coins

    2.arrange them into FOUR ROWS
    *first row 1 coin
    *second row 2 coins
    *third row 3 coins
    *fourth row 4 coins
    2nd----O O
    3rd---O O O
    4th--O O O O

    3.decide who start first

    4.each player can take coin(s) ONLY IN THE SAME ROW in their turn
    *for example:you can take 1/2/3/4 coin(s) in 4th row but CAN'T take coin(s) from 3rd row too

    5.Who take the last coin is lose!

    *you must make it into 3 coins in your turn so you'll exactly win
    *who start first have a bigger chance to win

  5. PIRATE (pyramid mystery)

    how to play
    1. prepare 10 coins, arrange them into four rows like a one-dimensional pyramid
    --0 0--
    -0 0 0-
    0 0 0 0
    2. decide who will go first
    3. players can take coin(s) in the same row with the maximum amount of 4 (row 4)
    4. last one who takes the turn is the loser

    player who takes the first turn have a bigger chance to win
    think first before you take the coin(s)

  6. PIRATE (Pyramid Mystery)

    How to play
    1. Prepare ten coins, arrange them into a one-dimensional pyramid
    --0 0--
    -0 0 0-
    0 0 0 0
    2. Decide who will go first
    3. Players can take coin(s) in the same row with maximum amount of four (fourth row)
    4. Last one who takes the turn is the loser

    Player who takes the first turn has the bigger chance to win this game.
    Think first before you take coin(s).

    How to Play it:
    • Arrange 10 coins like a pyramid
    1 coin on the first row
    2 coins on the second row
    3 coins on the third row
    4 coins on the fourth row
    • This game is played by 2 people
    • Each player has to take coin from the same row
    • They may not to take coins from different row in one chance.
    For example: the first player takes one coin from first row and 1 coin from second row in one chance. That’s wrong!
    • The looser will be the player who takes the left over coin in the last time
     You have to leave 3 coins on 3 different rows
     The first player usually has a bigger chance to win this game

    (this is game is for 2 players)

    - prepare 10 coins
    - divide them into 4 rows and arrange them like a pyramid

    1st row -------- 0
    2nd row ------ 0 0
    3rd row ----- 0 0 0
    4th row ---- 0 0 0 0
    - the first player take the coin(s) to decide the layer
    -the second player take the other coin(s), but in the same row
    - the player that take the last coin is the loser
    - (remember that a player can not take 2 or more coins from different layer)

    - prepare a strategy, do not make a fool move
    - whatever your strategy, the point is remains one coin to your enemy, and he will lose


    Instructions :
    -Prepare 10 coins with the same value
    -Put them in order to form a pyramid like this :


    -1 player will decide which dimension they will play in
    -1st player take the coin(s) from 1 row
    -2nd player take another coin(s) from another or the same row
    -The winner is determined by who gets the most coins

    Winning Tip :
    -Be sure to get the first turn because you can take the 4 coins in the bottom layer


    Instructions :
    -Prepare 10 coins with the same value
    -Put them in order to form a pyramid like this :


    -1 player will decide which dimension they will play in
    -1st player take the coin(s) from 1 row
    -2nd player take another coin(s) from another or the same row
    -Keep doing this until there are no more coin left on the table
    -The winner is determined by who gets the most coins

    Winning Tip :
    -Be sure to get the first turn because you can take the 4 coins in the bottom layer

  11. I'll give this game the name:
    'Now-You-Can-Play-With-Your-Coins: I'll Give the Last Coin to You'

    Players in the game: 2
    >Set Up<
    Prepare ten coins and line them in 4 rows. First row will have 1 coin, second row will have 2 coins, third row will have 3 coins, and fourth row will have 4 coins. Set the coins up as shown in illustration below,
    so they will make a triangle.

    Players decide who goes first and take turns to remove coin(s) from the same row. You may remove any number of coin(s) you want, but they HAVE to be from the same row.
    The loser is the one that has to pick the last coin from the field.

    If you are leading the game off, quickly get rid one row of coins (preferably the fourth). That way, with both people still having the same chance to win, they have lesser coins to think about!


    Instructions :
    -Prepare 10 coins with the same value
    -Put them in order to form a pyramid like this :


    -1 player will decide which dimension they will play in
    -1st player take the coin(s) from 1 row
    -2nd player take another coin(s) from another or the same row
    -Keep doing this until there is no more coin left on the table
    -The winner is determined by who gets the most coins

    Winning Tip :
    -Be sure to get the first turn because you can take the 4 coins in the bottom layer


    Instructions :
    -Prepare 10 coins with the same value
    -Put them in order to form a pyramid like this :


    -1 player will decide which dimension they will play in
    -1st player take the coin(s) from 1 row
    -2nd player take another coin(s) from another or the same row
    -Keep doing this until there is no more coin left on the table
    -The winner is determined by who gets the most coins

    Winning Tip :
    -Be sure to get the first turn because you can take the 4 coins in the bottom layer

  14. Money Roulette ( for 2 players )

    How to play :
    1.Put ten coin(s) on the table

    2.Arrange the coin(s) become triangle shape,
    One coin on the first line
    Two coin on the second line
    Three coin on the thir line
    Four coin on the fourth line

    3.Decide who will play first

    4.Each player only can take coin in the same row

    5.The one who take the last coin will lose

    Tips to Win :
    - don't take to much coin in the same opportunity

    - you must count that in the last there is 3 coin(s) remain on the different row in the table

    -if you have do that, you will win

  15. "Doomed Coin"

    Rules :
    1. This is a game played by 2 players

    2. 10 coins are needed to play this game

    3. Each player is allowed to take the coin(s) horizontally from a row only.

    4. Each player gets one chance to take the coin(s) at every turn.

    Instructions :
    1. Prepare 10 coins and arrange the coins into triangle shape like this:
    --- o o
    ---o o o
    --o o o o

    2. First player takes the coin(s) in a row horizontally, then followed by Second player.

    3. The player who gets the 'doomed coin' or the last coin is the loser.

    Tips :
    1. First player has bigger chance to win the game

    2. Try to leave 4 coins on the game board at your turn, but never leave those 4 coins in a row. It will make you win the game easily.


    - This game is played by a pair of players
    - Players can only take the coins vertically

    How to play:
    - Put the coins on the table, arrange them in pyramid shaped. 1 coin in the first row, 2 coins in the second row, 3 coins in the third row, and 4 coins in the fourth row like this
    ------- 0
    ------ 0 0
    ----- 0 0 0
    ---- 0 0 0 0

    - Players who get the first turn have bigger chance to win this game
    - Think twice before you take the coins
    - Keep praying


    - Two players to start this game
    - Prepare 10 coins
    - Once the game started,take the coin(s) horizontally and we are not allowed to take the coin(s) from the other side

    - put all of coins on table and make them into triangle shape

    --0 0--
    -0 0 0-
    0 0 0 0

    -decide who will take the first turn
    -take the coin(s) horizontally
    -then the second player follow the first taker to grab the coin(s)
    -the one who take the last coin is the loser


    -try to remain 3 coins on different row



    This is a 2 players game

    How to play:

    1. Prepare 10 coins on the table. arrange them to become a pyramid shape:

    one coin on the first row
    two coins on the second row
    three coins on the third row
    four coins on the fourth row

    Just like illustration below,
    -----0 0
    ----0 0 0
    ---0 0 0 0

    2. Decide who will play first.
    3. Each player can only take coin(s) horizontally on the same row.
    4. Player who take the last turn is the loser.

    *try to remain 3 coins on 3 different rows.
    *player who start to play first has a bigger chace to win.

  19. This game should be called "TAKE 'n THINK"

    RULES :

    1) You need 2 people
    2) get 10 coins, put them in a triangular form (makes 4 rows)
    3) decide who takes first
    4) take the coin in a horizontal pattern (amount does not matter), vertical and partial are not allowed
    5) give the turn to player 2, do step 4.
    6) whoever takes the last coin is the loser.

    hints :
    try to make separated 3 coins in your turn.

  20. ★The Last Coin★

    How to play:

    1.Arrange 10 coins into the shape of a pyramid.
    2.Take turns in taking the coins only from 1 row each turn.
    3.You can take any number of coins.
    4.The last person to take a coin loses.
    5.You need at least 2 players to play this!

    This game is as addictive and hazardous!

  21. How to play:
    1. Prepare 10 coins
    2. Arrange them like a pyramid
    3.A player can take coin in the same row (max 4)
    4.The player who take the last coin looses

    Tips to win: think twice before you take the coins, especially in the last game


    Rules :
    - take 10 coins from your pocket
    - set the coin(s) become a pyramid, like pascal triangle
    - this game is for 2 players

    How to play this game :
    - decide who will go first
    - we only allowed to grab coin(s) from from one side, whether it's vertically or horizontally

    -----o o-----
    ----o o o----
    ---o o o o---

    tips : if you wan't to win, just think about remaining 3 coins at the end of the game

  23. "Jack of Coins"
    1)This game will need a minimal of 2 players
    2)10 coins
    3)A reasonable place to play

    1) Set the 10 coins in a triangular manner starting with 1 coin in the first top row, 2 coins on the second row, 3 coins on the third row, and ending with the rest placed on the fourth and final row
    2)Each player is allowed to take any number of coins in each turn as long as it is on the same row
    3)The winner is the player that leaves the last coin for his/her opponent

    Tips :
    Have fun, enjoy, and sometimes let your friend win. Expect the unexpected.

  24. "Hands to the Coins"

    It requires to players.

    How to play:
    1. Grab 10 coins.
    2. Put the money bets.
    3. Decide who will be the first player.
    4. Use the coins to build a 4 level pyramid.
    5. Be careful, keep your eyes on the coins and don't let your hand trembling.

    Note: The one who can succeed the pyramid is the winner.

  25. the coin survivor
    (game for two person)

    what you need for this game ?

    1. 10 coins
    2. your logic
    3. luck

    how you play this game ?

    1. set the coin in to pyramid shape
    ..0 0..
    .0 0 0.
    0 0 0 0

    2. the first player take the coin and choose the layer
    3.the second take the coin from the same layer
    4. player can take as much as you want but in the same layer
    5. the player that get the last coin will lose

    attention : your logic is really need in this game and u must left coin for your oppenents until it cant but luck is really important

  26. The Metal Tutankhamun

    -- There are 2 players
    -- Arrange 10 coins in 4 rows
    -- arrange those like a pyramid shape
    -- in one turn, each player is only able to take coin(s) from the same row
    -- the maximum number of coins to take in one turn are four
    -- the loser is someone who takes the last coin

    -- always try to become the first player (the first one who takes the coin / coins)
    -- don't take too many coins in one turn, just play it slowly
    -- when it is your turn, imagine how many coin(s) will your rival take and what the effect given next after you take the number of coin(s) that you want
    -- keep on praying. it's very important!

  27. Coin oh Coin

    Requirements :
    1. Take 10 coins
    2. Arrange it into 4 row, first row 1 coin
    second row 2 coins
    third row 3 coins
    fourth row 4 coins
    2nd------O O
    3rd-----O O O
    4th----O O O O
    3. So it's like a triangle, and let's play
    the game

    1. Each player can take coin / coins turn
    by turn as long as in one row
    2. The winner is the player who can leaves one
    coin for the opponent

    Tips :
    1. Try to remain 3 coin in different row
    2. Take a pray before playing "Coin oh Coin",
    and hope you will win the game


    Instructions :
    -Prepare 10 coins with the same value
    -Put them in order to form a pyramid like this :


    -1 player will decide which dimension they will play in
    -1st player take the coin(s) from 1 row
    -2nd player take another coin(s) from another or the same row
    -Keep doing this until there are no more coin left on the table
    -The winner is determined by who gets the most coins

    Winning Tip :
    -Be sure to get the first turn because you can take the 4 coins in the bottom layer


    1.prepare ten coins.
    2.stack the coins into this formation:


    3.prepare 2 players.
    4.take any number of coin(s) from each row.(take coins horizontally).
    5.keep takin the coins until one player who took the last coin is the loser.

    winnip tip:
    -think of a good stategy to win.

  30. >Rockin Coins<

    Two Players ONLY..!! ^^

    >Get 10 coins
    >Set them into Egyptian Heritage (Pyramid)


    >take a side who play first
    >pick a coin on a row/ horizontally
    >keep in turns till the last player pick a coin
    >the last one is the loser.

    Do it with your Rockin Strategy...

    Happy Coins Time..!! ("v")

  31. The Good Old Coin

    -Prepare 10 coin (any nominal currency doesn't matter)
    -Place the coin into pyramid or triangle shape like below
    O O
    O O O
    O O O O
    -Give a hand tap signal showing which side of the row for the both to play
    -The first player should take maximum 4 coin, if the player decide to take less than 4 they could choose on which row they can take
    -The second draw of coin should take less than 4 depending on which original row is still intact, and so on
    -The player declared as loser when they take the last coin

    Tips on how to win easily:
    Never take the maximum amount of the coin if you are the first player to draw

  32. "YOU-GOTTA-GO"


    - make sure you have 10 coins,
    - put them in an order like this:

    1st Row -----O-----
    2nd Row ----O-O----
    3rd Row ---O-O-O---
    4th Row --O-O-O-O--

    - both players take their own turns,
    - you can take as many coins as you want as long as they're in the same row,
    - the last player who takes turn lose the game.

    Tips on how to win:
    make sure you are the one who left 3 coins in the table and in a different row

  33. Coinoberry

    2 players
    10 coins

    How to play:
    1. Make a shape of pyramid from those coins
    2. Players need to take coins only from one row each turn
    3. Player who takes the last coin loses the game

    Tips to win the game!
    Make sure you are the player who leaves six coins on the table
    After there is only six coins left, you only need to make a pattern of :

    Symmetric of two coins in two rows

    3rd row...o.o
    4th row..o.o

    Or three coins for three rows

    2nd row....o
    3rd row...o
    4th row..o

    You will win the game!


    this game is consist of two people.

    1. prepare 10 coins
    2. set them into the shape of pyramid

    .........0...........1 coin in first row
    ........0 0..........2 coins in second row
    .......0 0 0.........3 coins in third row
    ......0 0 0 0........4 coins in forth row

    3. decide who will be the first player
    4. the first player can take coin/coins as long as in the same row.
    5. keep in turns until someone takes the last coin.
    6. The loser is the one who takes the last coin.

    1. try to be the first player. your chance of winning is bigger
    2. always think to leave 1 coin (the last coin) in the end of the game. It's for the other player.
