Friday, 3 September 2010

Web Site -

You might find this web site useful:

Confronted with a task? Not sure where to start? Samples Help! This free website provides definitions, samples of different topics ranging from free samples of letters and Business documents to Report Writing and Body Language presentations! A section on letter writing with good free samples of a resignation, recommendation or reference, a thank you, complaint, business, cover and application letters. There are also samples and examples of report writing, letter writing and how to develop and give a presentation. Our sample invitations include the wording and templates for wedding invitations, birthday invitations, anniversary invitations together with tips and hints for making invitations from our 'Make your own invitations' article.

  • Free Samples of invitations, letters and mission statements
  • Free samples of presentations & samples of letters - resignation, letters recommendation or reference letters, thank you letters, complaint letters, business letters, cover and application letters & Car Bill of Sale Printable
  • Free Samples of Personal Letters, Business Letters & Documents and Presentations & Mission Statements
  • Presentation Skills, Report Writing presentation, Letter Writing samples, Body Language Presentation and PowerPoint presentations
  • Free Presentations, Samples reports
  • Free samples and examples of invitation wording for wedding invitations, engagement invitations, party invitations, Baby shower invitations, bridal shower invitations, birthday invitations, kids party invitations, Christmas, New Year party and Anniversary invitations.
  • 30th, 40th, 50th, 60th birthday invitations samples


  1. Thank you so much for this web suggestion. It really was just what I wanted!

    I found this web suggestion on your blog when I helped my cousin to make birthday invitation for her. She will hold a european birthday party and she was confused how to make such a nice birthday invitation. This web really helped us to make a nice invitation.

    Thank you, once again, for your kind thought. =)

  2. This web helps me to create my mission and vision to finish my English writing skills task. From this web, I also get many examples to create an invitation for many events like birthday, religion day, etc.

  3. This website is all that I want. I'm sure it will help me now and later, for living my daily life or for doing my job in the future.

    Thanks a lot for the web suggestion.

  4. thank you so much for a really useful web suggestion, Sir. That is what i need. It's because sometimes i have difficulty in writing, not sure where and when i should start.
    Yesterday, I was helped when making a power point for Accounting class. Then, now, i know how to make a good and effective power point presentation.
    Once again thanks :)

  5. This web is the best for me. It makes me easier to finish my vision and mision also make birthday invitation.
