- Rule 1 Rules are Meant to be Broken
- Rule 2 Marketing Must Result in Sales
- Rule 3 Plan a Little So You Can Do a Lot More
- Rule 4 Know What You're Aiming At
- Rule 5 Pick the Problem You Want to Solve
- Rule 6 Get to Know Your Customers
- Rule 7 Target Your Messages
- Rule 8 Customers Are People Too
- Rule 9 See the Forest and the Trees
- Rule 10 Change the Words, Not the Idea
- Rule 11 Involve Them and They Will Understand
- Rule 12 Be Different
- Rule 13 Admit When You Make a Mistake
- Rule 14 Messages Need Testing Too
- Rule 15 Just Say No to Jargon
- Rule 16 Be Compelling
- Rule 17 Do It Their Way
- Rule 18 Be Consistent
- Rule 19 Use the Right Tools
- Rule 20 See and Be Seen
- Rule 21 Blogs are Good
- Rule 22 Email is Personal
- Rule 23 Viral Marketing is a Tactic
- Rule 24 Be Critical
- Rule 25 Always Have a Next Step
- Rule 26 Change is Your Friend
- Rule 27 PR Doesn't Mean Press Release
- Rule 28 Tradeshows Will Never Die
- Rule 29 Clicks Aren't Customers
- Rule 30 A Launch is a Process, Not an Event
- Rule 31 Don't Get Caught in the Hype
- Rule 32 The Whole is Greater Than the Sum of its Parts
- Rule 33 Marketing Plans are Good
- Rule 34 Marketing is Art
- Rule 35 Marketing is Science
- Rule 36 Make Them Laugh
- Rule 37 Always Have a Deadline
- Rule 38 Everyone is a Marketing Expert
- Rule 39 Deliver What You Promise
- Rule 40 Give it a Chance
- Rule 41 Don't Follow the Pack .
- Rule 42 These are My RulesWhat are Yours?
Which 10 did you choose in class?
Any missing 'Golden Rules'?
My partner and I chose number 5, 6, 11, 12, 20, 24, 25, 26, 33, and 39 but we couldn’t win the game.
ReplyDeleteTalking about the rules, I don’t really like the rule number 1 because rules meant not to be broken. However, I still love breaking some rules right now.
@warih: oh yeah? What rules do you like breaking now? he he.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't win this game last Friday. I would like to break many rules if i can do that. But, rules are made to control everyone. So, i just follow the rules.
ReplyDeleteTendy said... "I would like to break many rules if i can do that. But, rules are made to control everyone."
ReplyDeleteWhat would be an example of "out of control" marketing? Could it succeed?
Perhaps the word "rules" in the context of 'the rules of marketing' actually means 'reality' or 'realities'.
Although I did not win this game, I am happy because one of the rules that I choose is Rule 38 (Everyone is a Marketing Expert) which only chosen by my group. I think if everyone think that he or she is a marketing expert, everyone can be a successful entrepreneur.
ReplyDeleteMelina Subastian said: "I think if everyone think that he or she is a marketing expert, everyone can be a successful entrepreneur."
ReplyDeleteI have an idea for Durian Shampoo. Do you want to invest?
actually, Adrian, me and my partner made a mistake. we didn't suppose to get 100 points. this error was caused of my partner and I had different rules, so it was 20. and when you ask us to raise our hand, I raise my hand 20 times ! that made me and my partner got many points. Furthermore, if only I could replay this game, I will just get maybe 50 or 60 points. so, I'm sorry Adrian :)
ReplyDelete@Niar. Perhaps I should call the police. These are serious accusations you are making against yourself!
ReplyDeleteMe and my partner didn't win this game, but we enjoy this game so much :D
ReplyDeleteI thought that the winner will be the group who had a highest points,but it's not.
I'm really curious what's the meaning of Jargon is, because I've already googled it and I still don't understand what is it mean and why the rule stated say no to jargon? Can you explain it?
@ bella. Can I explain "jargon"? Yes, with pleasure...
ReplyDeleteJARGON: "High-quality learning environments are a necessary precondition for facilitation and enhancement of the ongoing learning process."
NON-JARGON: "Children need good schools if they are to learn properly."
JARGON: "If there are any points on which you require explanation or further particulars we shall be glad to furnish such additional details as may be required by telephone."
NON-JARGON: "If you have any questions, please phone."
JARGON: "Your enquiry about the use of the entrance area at the library for the purpose of displaying posters and leaflets about Welfare and Supplementary Benefit rights, gives rise to the question of the provenance and authoritativeness of the material to be displayed. Posters and leaflets issued by the Central Office of Information, the Department of Health and Social Security and other authoritative bodies are usually displayed in libraries, but items of a disputatious or polemic kind, whilst not necessarily excluded, are considered individually."
NON-JARGON: "Thank you for your letter asking for permission to put up posters in the library. Before we can give you an answer we will need to see a copy of the posters to make sure they won't offend anyone."
Here are some examples of BUSINESS JARGON (in this case meaning 'specialized vocabulary')...
ReplyDeleteExamples of business jargon words include: "10,000 foot view", "actionable", "axe", "back burner", "bait and switch", "ballpark", "bang for the buck", "batting average", "behind the eight ball", "best practice", "bean counter", "bearish", "brain dump", "bullish", "buzz", "change agent", "circular file", "core competency", "down and dirty", "downsize", "due diligence", "get your ducks in a row", "gofer", "golden handcuffs", "face time", "fall guy", "food chain", "free lunch", "game changer", "headcount", "hired guns", "in bed", "in the black", "in the loop", "in the red", "level the playing field", "leverage", "lost in the sauce", "low-ball", "low-hanging fruit", "micromanage", "mom and pop organization", "not invented here", "org chart", "out of pocket", "out of the loop", "ping", "pushback", "put to bed", "rubber check", "Rube Goldberg device", "shotgun approach", "silver bullet", "skillset", "stakeholders", "sweat equity", "take away", "talk turkey", "timeframe", "traction", "value-added", "zero sum game".
Some examples of internet/chatting jargon:
ReplyDeleteBTW - By The Way
CYA - See You Around
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
AFAIK - As Far As I Know
HTH - Hope This Helps
IMHO - In My Humble Opinion
MOTD - Message Of The Day
FWIW - For What It's Worth
LOL - Laugh Out Loud
WTF - [censored]
F.U. - [censored]
GFY - [censored]
B.S. - [censored]
ROTFLMAO - Rolling on the floor laughing my [censored] off!
And the computers themselves...
UNDERSTANDING COMPUTER JARGON There is a lot to learn in understanding computer jargon. Here's more examples of jargon: "browser", "bus", "cache", "chip", "cookie", "CPU", "crash", "database", "dot pitch", "download", "driver", "file", "firewall", "folder", fragmentation", "freeware", "gopher", "hardware", "interface", "keyboard shortcuts", "mouse", "network", "operating system", "plug and play", "resolution", "software", "spam", "upload", "URL", and "virus".
@adrian: some rules made by my father. haha. LOL.
ReplyDelete@bella: Bella, you don't know about Jargon?! OMG, same as me then.
Me and my partner had the average points. Perhaps I'm average in marketing aspect,that's why I chose accounting..hehe. Anyway, the most interesting "jargon" is viral marketing. What does it exactly mean, Mr. Adrian?
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to seeing your answer.
@adrian: thank you so much sir. Now, i know what's the meaning of jargon is. Honestly, i won't say no for internet/chatting jargon, because i usually use it to make it simple and more interesting. how about you sir? do you say no to jargon?
ReplyDelete@belle: "do you say no to jargon?"
ReplyDeleteNo. Not across the board, anyway. Specialized language is useful and necessary when dealing with a speciality or field of activity. But sometimes the jargon is unnecessary or simply serves to exclude or alienate "non-experts", in which case 'jargon' is a barrier to effective communication.
@muhammad: "What does [viral marketing] exactly mean, Mr. Adrian? I'm looking forward to seeing your answer.
ReplyDeleteHere's a pretty good list of definitions gathered from the web: http://tinyurl.com/2ad7kfm
@adrian: Durian shampoo? Wow, that's such a good idea! =)