Thursday, 7 October 2010

Session 4 - Task

What kind of writer are you?

Tawachai: For years I was confused about my writing because I simply could not carry out my teachers’ instructions to ‘make a plan’ and they were always telling me that my essays should ‘be more organized’. I found it very difficult to make an outline and then stick to it. My mind didn’t seem to work that way. I always had to start writing and sometimes write quite a lot before I knew where I might be going. That meant I had to cut and do different drafts. Sometimes I would find that I had to start writing one section even if it was in the middle of the assignment, and then build up the whole thing slowly, in bits. In the end it worked out and now I seem to have found my own mix of a method.

Winnie: When I write I try to get down some headings that seem to relate to the question. At least they give me an idea of what topics and divisions my writing will have. But I am not yet sure exactly if I have an argument. I start to write what I can under these headings and as I go I am trying to find a way of making these fit together. When I have got my first draft like this I will go back and put in bits that will show the links between the different parts. I may have to move around some material. Sometimes I have to cut out quite a lot because now that I am much clearer about my argument, I realize that not everything I thought was interesting is actually relevant or important. I still have to work out what exactly I have to leave out, add, or move around but gradually I fit the bits together.

Rosemary: I spend a great deal of time reading and making notes – I try to absorb it all thoroughly. I have to read much more than I need. Then I think about it a lot. I can think as I’m doing other things. Finally, I just sit down and write it out in longhand and it’s as though it has all come together in my inner mind. Sometimes I add an introduction once I have finished and I will read the whole assignment through, but really I have never found I could write down a plan and my work hardly ever needs redrafting.

Deborah: First I wrote down some notes – ideas for headings. I used the space of a whole page so that I could space out my ideas in a diagram-like fashion. Sometimes I had a column on one side to note down ideas that I might use later on or for jobs I would need to do before I could begin writing the assignment. I kept this list to one side so that I could add to it as I was trying to develop my central overarching idea on the main part of the page. When I had finished I had some notes which all related to this ‘central idea’ so that I had an outline for the whole piece. Sometimes I like to use visual diagrams for my planning. I think and plan before I even begin to think about starting to write.

The diver writer

Tawachai just plunges in to her work. She always finds that she has to do some writing before she knows what she wants to say and in order to find out. She might use practice writing for this purpose. Only then can she begin to build up a plan. If she were the child building her house with bricks she would get started and see what kind of building emerged from how she moved around the bricks. She would start to ‘just build’ her house.

The patchwork writer

Winnie writes sections at an early stage, which she then has to fit together to make the whole assignment, adding links as she goes. If she were the child building a house of bricks she might make a series of different ‘rooms’ which she would then need to join together to make up the whole house.

The grand plan writer

Rosemary is a writer who doesn’t seem to make an outline at all: she has a ‘grand plan’ in her ‘inner mind’. In fact, she must have a structure in her mind before she begins to write but she can’t quite say what it is until she writes it down. Then it comes out nearly complete. The child builder with a grand plan would have a clear picture in her mind of the house she was going to build before she began and would build quickly without getting diverted.

The architect writer

Deborah has a sense of design in her writing. She would not find it too difficult to produce a complex plan. Writers who find it easy to put their thoughts in the form of a spider diagram or mind map are this kind of writer. They have a sense of a broad structure almost before they know what content will go into it, whereas other writers have to know what they have to say before they can make a plan. The ‘architect’ child building a brick house might start with an outer structure for her building, which she would then fill in to make all her rooms.

Things to think about

  1. What do you think might be the advantages and disadvantages of these different ways of organizing writing?
  2. Which way of planning and shaping is most like your own approach?
  3. How do you think your way may be different from any of these?

In practice, you may, of course, vary your approach for different purposes and for different kinds of assignment. As with all aspects of writing, it is a good idea to be aware of different methods and to try them out.

Taken from “Writing at University: A Guide for Students” by Phyllis Creme and Mary R. Lea. Open University Press (2008)

So, now your task is to answer the question:
What kind of writer are you?

One paragraph - using the COMMENTS feature below.


  1. Every time I write, I think and plan first by writing down ideas list for headings. Then, a diagram form will appear in my mind. I draw it on a paper as outline for my writing. After that, I start to write it on paragraphs. By using this way, I feel safer from the risk that my ideas can be disappeared from my mind suddenly and make my writing more organized. It is quite clear that I am a type of architect writer.

  2. In my opinion, i'm a grand plan writers. I have many reasons to support this opinion. First, a grand plan writers don't need make outlines. Second, i have my own structure. I always notes my ideas on one side in a piece of paper. Then, i add my ideas to develop my main idea. The last reasons is sometimes i look for and see visual diagrams. It makes me easy to write something.

  3. I'm typically like Winnie. When I do writing, commonly I never use framework/outline as a guidance. The first thing I do in writing is thinking about the main topic, generating into title, and linking with the content.

    But it doesn't mean that I write without direction totally. My paragraph' design is inside my mind, never be written down. I know, that's not totally right but at least I do enjoy my way. The difficulty happen when new idea come in the middle of my writing. It could destruct some paragraph or maybe the whole essay. Then stop awhile and think how to connect with what already written is the way to handle it.

  4. based on the article, i conclude my self as a grand plan writer. I don't make any outline at all. What i have is like a 'grand plan' in my mind before writing. Then, after i get my 'grand plan', it helps me to write more quickly and completely.

  5. I’m a type of writer who searches informations about something I’m going to write . Because I have to make sure that I know this thing which is going to be discussed in my writing. I have to make sure that I have enough knowledge about it. Reading informations of the thing that i’m going to write really helps me to get ideas to start writing. It makes me feel like I have a picture of my writing in my mind, so I can easily pour the ideas which keep flowing from my mind into my writing. After finishing my writing, I revise it and edit some parts needed to be fixed. So, it’s clear that I’m a grand plan writer. ✎✎✎

  6. Each time I have to write an essay, I start to have a flow of ideas from my mind. After I put all of that on paper, I start to connect these ideas into some kind of diagram. I dive in deep but still manage to remind myself to put things in order. So, I might be a careful diver or an architect on the "wild" side.

  7. I am a grand plan writer
    I am a grand plan writer because I prefer to write my essay directly than make an outline first. But before I write my essay, I have to think all the materials on my mind. When I start to write my essay, I have to do it seriously otherwise I will lose my ideas. In my opinion, a grand plan writer has many advantages. A grand plan writer will take shorter time than other types of writer like architect, diver or patchwork writer because a grand plan writer doesn’t need to make an outline or headings first. A grand plan writer can easily find new ideas while they are doing their essay. Sometimes, if we make an outline, our mind will be restricted by the outline. We can’t make any improvements when finishing our essay. If we don’t make an outline, many ideas will appear when we arrange our essay

  8. When faced with an essay assignment, I am completely a 'diver' type. First, I will search the concerning materials and understand them thoroughly. Then I arrange them in my head, continued by writing all of them. This way I will have a clear image of my pre-completed essay, thus making it easier to do reviews and rearrangements. Implementing the 'diver' style might be troublesome when using longhand, but using a computer would cease most of those disadvantages.

  9. Usually my written assignment and other essay, i used to think on what should i write and what outline should i take for my written paper. Although i cannot describe what kind of outline i'm going to take, i just write it down from what's inside my mind.

    The basic thing that i write is related to the main topic and the content of my paper so both the main topic and content is related.Thus, i consider myself as grand plan writer

  10. My writing style is unknown, this is because my writing style changes depending on my topic discussion, mood, weather, and etc. In one writing, I would take some time making drafts then began writing just like the architect type. On the other hand, I would sometime start writing what's on my mind in accordance to the topic then continue on brain storming along the way till I finished while making connections and links to paragraph before. When I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere, I'll just write what's on my mind till it became clear again. So what is my style? Only God knows.

  11. I think my writing style is a combination between Patchwok writer and Grand Plan writer. Why Grand Plan & Patchwork? Because before I write, whether an essay or any other kind of writing, I will do research in order to find the material of what I want to write about. And when I start to write, I have a lot of things to write, but sometimes it doesn’t coheren one to another paragraph or just one to another sentence. My lack is I can’t select which ideas to write from my brainstorming ideas, so I generally just put most of the ideas into draft then I’ll need extra time to edit and edit it again in order to make it more coheren than before.

  12. When I'm writing the assignment, first I will look for a good idea. After I got some good idea, I brain storm in my mind and after that transform it into a good draft. I write a draft in a piece of paper and from this draft, I already know what i want to write. All of the point on my writing must be related to the main topic. Usually in the first paragraph, I write a broad explanation then in middle of the paragraph I make it narrower explanation. I consider my self as grand planner writer

  13. I cannot get my writings done with all those "plans and diagrams" things. I just start it, and somehow the ideas just pop out from my mind. I think I'm a kind of a diver writer. And I have no difficulties with this kind of writing, so far. To me, those things such as plans or diagrams are just going to distract my imagination and ideas. So I just write whatever I think, without being bordered by the plans.

  14. my writings are expressed my feeling and my idea. i love to write something spontaneously with some funny things inside of it.ill write something with different way of telling this what make i am different with the others writers. sometimes im a kind of grand plan writer but im not purely of that things just want to be my own self in my writings !!!

    in writings we can share my idea for example like this "why god make us in diversity, if god only want to praise in one way. thats why god create love to make all the diversity become one"

    irwanto dwi maha purna

  15. I can't say whether I'm exactly a kind of grand plan writer or the architect writer because I think I'm a combination of both grand plan and architect writer.
    Sometime, when I have to write an essay or assignment, I just write down the ideas that I have in my mind without making any outlines first.
    In the other time, I design first what I want to write before starting.

  16. I actually don't like writing and my handwriting is bad but maybe I'm a 'diver writer' or 'the grand plan writer or maybe between them because i have to think about what I'm going to write before I actually write it and I usually write some rubbish in the opening just to open my mind up and then things will go better and better. so i need to think about something first (about what I'm going to write), after i get some ideas, i write some words (usually rubbish words that's not even worth the time to read it) to 'release' all the idea i got on my mind. so that rubbish words is like a key to open the door and release all the ideas.

  17. I'm a direct writer, who always writing with my latest idea that's up on my mind.I use this method because this is my habbit since I was child, so until now, that is the best way for me to writing. My ideas come just when I am writing,the ideas just appear suddenly and directly I write it on my writing paper, it continues with my various idea until I finish my writing. So, I'm look like a diver writer although not at all.

  18. I'm not sure what kind of writer I am, because when I write, the first thing that I do are making some notes and planning what I want to write for headings. Then, I have to do some research and make an outline so that I can use it later on my writing. After that, I make some kind of diagram to connect all of my ideas, so it's easier for me to write in essay or assignment. However, sometimes I write without outline first, so when I have ideas on my mind, I quickly write it down. Form this perspective, I think, an architect writer and a grand plan writer are similar with my type of writing.

  19. It was very difficult for me writing in English. I can not write directly like the grand plan writer. On the other hand, I also can not write as diligent as the architect writer. I always think too much before writing, therefore it takes very long time. Sometimes, I look articles from other writers or internet in order to get inspiration. Then I make a note, such as a list of important things. After that, I start to explain all the important things by adding links or connector to fit my writing together. Finally, it could be said that I am a patchwork writer.

  20. I guess I am sort of a diver writer. I will just start writing my essays when I am in the mood. Actually I am not really a pure diver writer because I never plan anything. I just start doing whatever it is (in my mind)and try to get it done as fast as I can. I do not like to write because my grammar sucks. So usually I prefer to speak directly instead of writing it down.

  21. When it comes to writing essays, I think I am the diver writer. I never planned about what I'm gonna write, everything is done spontaneously and I'll write anything good that came out in my head. This method surely saves a lot of time for me because I don't have to do any preparation and it also stimulates my brain to have a wider imagination. But the downside for it is that sometimes i got stuck in the middle of my story and don't know what else to write (like in writing this comment for example).

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. I think I'm a writer with combination of Patchwork writer and Grand plan writer because I'm usually working on segments (perhaps under headings) quite early in the process, and combine them with linking ideas and words later.
    And sometimes I read and make notes, and I don't write a plan or much else until I have an almost complete picture of the essay ready in my head.

  24. I think I'm "the grand plan writer" because I seldom write my plan before I write the assignment. I just keep the ideas in my inner mind and when I do the assignment,the words are just come out.Just like this assignment. Because of that,sometimes my writing is not well organized and not too long.

  25. If I were to write an essay I would rather just went on writing and making up ideas as I write along. But know I realize there's more to it. But when I'm writing a story i would rather just went on straight to writing about all my ideas into the paper. But when It comes to writing an essay about commenting a certain situation or article, I usually gather up some information and use those information on my essay.

    But until now I still have a habit of diver writer.

  26. I don't know exactly what kind of writing am I, because everytime I start to write on an essay, I I just rack my brain and write every word I think about, and it just come out. I never use my pen to wrote a draft, what a waste of time, I suppose. If I make mistake in my word, just need a cup of type-ex, it do work. and if I work on computer to do my essay, It's gonna be much easier

  27. i am a grand plan writer, because i always make a structure first before starting to write.i always imagine first about what i will write, so i can arrange it simply and step by step, in the end, i just blend the idea to become what i want

  28. My sense of writing is likely the same with Rosemary or Deborah. I start to read about material that related to the material of what I will write about. It is really helpful for me so I can understand what should I write and flow as what the material about. But sometimes I need to make some heading first, so that I can Imagine how my writing will look like. It is to make my writing seems properly and organized well. So from my heading, I can present what Iam going to write on my essay. After it is become a whole essay, I redraft it again so I can fix anywrong on my essay. So I need sometimes complex ways to make my own essay.

  29. I think I'm an architect writer. Because I usually make an outline first. Then when it finished, I write it on a different paper. This kind of writing makes you stay in the topic, I think.
